Maine Genealogical Society
Enoch Perham Rollins' Life with Sophia Philbrook Rollins and Sarah Jane Walters
Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters

Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Council Point History- Winter Quarters

“This place [Council Point] is about four miles up the Missouri River from . . . Kanesville.” (1)
The town site was located on a bend in the Missouri River . The Frontier Guardian of 31 October 1849 made clear that the public had legal access to a grove of cottonwoods along the river bottoms north of this bend, and that “None have the claim or right to prevent the citizens of Kanesville and its vicinity from going to the said cottonwoods to get what wood and timber they choose.” (2)
The site is located in the “southwest quarter of section 15, township 74, range 44.” (3) The town was near the Middle Mormon Ferry on the Missouri River . “This was a river port." (4)
“Council Point was the first Latter-day Saint town built in the Middle Missouri Valley . It was built in 1846 near the site of the flood demolished 1842/1843 Fort Croghan.
“Council Point was a support town, perhaps a quarter mile west of present Lake Manawa , for the first or Middle Mormon Ferry over the Missouri River . That ferry was south of today's south Omaha (Highway 92) Bridge. Another middle ferry was built further south, between Point aux poules (Traders Point) and Bellevue , but we don't know if it was established by the LDS or by American Fur Company factor at Bellevue , Peter Sarpy.
“Perhaps most unique of Council Point businesses was a rope walk, where hemp was used for the manufacture of rope and cordage. . . .
“Council Point was the most cosmopolitan of LDS towns in Iowa . More than 8,000 LDS from Europe landed at Council Point by steamboat from New Orleans . . . .
“Among the European Saints were more than 160 from Wales . A Welsh Tabernacle was built, probably a little northwest of Council Point.
“There was a warehouse at Council Point where immigrants could store their belongings while they looked for work and a way to gather wagons, oxen, food, tents, and supplies for the 1000-mile trek to the Salt Lake Valley.” (5)
One book claims that Council Point was simply another name for Council Bluffs , but from primary sources, this claim can be dismissed. (6)
“When the Mormons reached that locality, June, 1846, they found the little village of Council Point already named.” (7)
“Council Point was built by the Latter-day Saints in 1846.” (8)
“ Council Point, Emigrant Landing, Welsh Tabernacle Sites:
“First LDS town built in Middle Missouri Valley , support town for Middle Mormon Ferry.” (9)
“May 8, 1847, they [Horace Fish and family] started west again and arrived at the place where they had decided to locate—Council Point—on the 23 rd day of May. This place is about four miles up the Missouri River from Council Bluffs or, as it was then called, Kanesville. Here they remained for three years.” (10)
“It was here in 1846 that acting bishops were named to look after needy Latter-day Saint refugees, particularly the families who were left behind when the Mormon Battalion marched off to New Mexico and California in the Mexican War.
“This was a river port. A steamboat dock was located on a north elbow of the Missouri , then about two blocks south of here, about four blocks west of where Lake Manawa is today. It was called Emigrant's Landing because nearly eight thousand European Latter-day Saints landed here in the late 1850s and early 1850s.
“After the start of the 1849 gold rush, great quantities of merchandise coming by steamboat up river from St. Louis , were landed at Council Point. Large merchandise and supply houses flourished in Kanesville (now downtown Council Bluffs).
“Near the Landing was Reuben Allred's rope walk. . . . The north bank of the river where the boat landing and the rope walk were located is still visible, if you look west from South 20 th Street about three blocks south of Gifford. . . .
“ Fort Croghan was built here by the United States Dragoons in 1842, but it was nearly all washed away by floodwaters the next year. After the Mormons left for the West in the mid 1850s, Council Point and the Welsh Tabernacle were also washed away by floodwaters.” (11)
“Artemus Millet , of Council Point, and Mrs. Nancy Leemaster , of Silver Creek, [were married] 11 March 1849, at Kanesville, by Orson Hyde. ( Frontier Guardian , 21 March 1849)” (12)
“James W. Webb and Mrs. Sarah C. Botsford , both of Council Point, [were married] 1 July 1849, at Council Point, by William Snow.” (13)
A rather singular occurrence was noted in the 5 September 1849 number of The Frontier Guardian . About two hundred students from “three schools [met] at the Tabernacle [in Kanesville], one from Council point, taught by Mr. Brown and two at this place [Kanesville], taught by Mr. Grant and Mr. Poulterer.” The students marched to the Tabernacle from “about a quarter of a mile distant, . . . after a splendid band of music, with beautiful banners and various and appropriate inscriptions thereon,” and after a picnic lunch (“dinner”), they displayed their feats of scholarship, to the reported great enjoyment of those present. (14)
An inflammatory article in The Frontier Guardian on 21 February 1851 accused Indians of “enter[ing] unprotected houses, and rob[bing] them of every thing most valuable, which we hear they have done to Council Point.” (15)
A citizen of Council Point, “Dr. George Coulson . . . closed by prayer” a meeting of elders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at “the Grove” on Sunday, 20 April 1851. (16)
“One of the severest gales ever known in this section of country, passed over our town [Kanesville] on Wednesday evening, the 16 th inst., between the hours of seven and eight o'clock. In aspect it threatened the demolition of houses and the entire destruction of crops. The wind blew terrific—the thunder and lightning was tremendous, while the rain fell in torrents for about half an hour. . . .
“The people of Ferryville, and Council Point, shared in common with the rest; miles of fences were thrown down through the violence of the wind, leaving the crops exposed to the mercy of the numerous herds of cattle ranging around them at this season of the year. Our farmers are busily engaged in repairing their fences, so as to secure their crops from any further damage.” (17)
A Mr. D. S. lived in Council Point and dispensed advice concerning how to make one's wagon more perfectly through The Frontier Guardian. (18)
The majority of the families of Council Point left with the John Tidwell Company of 1852. (19)
Council Point did have a Frontier Guardian representative. In April 1851, it was James Allred. In June of the same year, it was George Coulson. Something odd occurred between 17 October and 28 November 1851, because on the latter date, the Guardian lists no representative for Council Point. (20) On 23 January of 1852, the Guardian has Mr. Tidwell listed as being its representative in Council Point. In June 1852, when the paper had changed hands and had become The Frontier Guardian and Iowa Sentinel , it was still Mr. Tidwell who served as the “agent.” (21)
The Frontier Guardian of 7 February 1849 advised that “Emigrants to this place [Kanesville], by the Missouri River , should land at Council Point, some three miles above Trading Point or Bellevue . . . . This is the most eligible point on the river for the accommodation of emigrants to get removed to their friends in the various settlements in this region, and also the nearest point to this place.” (22)
The Frontier Guardian proclaimed to “all our principle business men . . . [that the] Kanesville Landing is at Council Point,” indicating that shipments to Kanesville should be dropped off at Council Point. (23) Hence one reason Council Point was so important. Another indication of the town's importance is the sheer number of times it is mentioned in The Frontier Guardian. (24)
“Tabernacle for saints coming from Wales in British Isles just NW of Council Point. Emigrant Landing probably built in 1838 as landing for Government Farm of 40 (later 80) acres to show Pottawattamie/Ottawa/Chippewa Indians how to live without hunting, which had angered older residential tribes of this district (Oto-Missouri & Omaha in Nebraska; Sac-Fox in N Central Iowa; Dakota Sioux in SE S Dakota). Here, more than 8,000 LDS used hemp to manufacture cord, rope, and hemp cable. The cable was used as guide ropes between the Iowa dugway and Nebraska dugways for the Middle Mormon Ferry, pushed back and forth between shores by force of river flow. The dugways allowed loading and unloading without river flow moving the properly caulked boat, capable of carrying two loaded wagons and teams. Here Abraham Lincoln landed in 1859 a few months before he was elected U.S. President. . . . See marker with text South of Gifford Road and just west of 1 st farm driveway south.” (25)
“Council Point, roughly halfway between present Lake Manawa and Twin City Plaza , south and southwest of Kanesville/Council Bluffs, was built in June 1846 as a support town to Middle Mormon Ferry. It was the third most important LDS community in the Missouri Valley .
“Welsh Tabernacle later was built in or near Council Point. West of the town was Middle Mormon Ferry, built between June 15 and 29. . . . A steady stream of ox-drawn covered wagons passed Council Point on their way, day and night, to the Middle Ferry. They crossed the Missouri River, continued on west four miles and waited at Cold Spring Camp for the signal to continue on to Grand Island , Nebraska territory or on to the Rocky Mountains .”
“Emigrant Landing was about a quarter mile south-southeast of Council Point. . . . Davis Hardin and family, including teen-age boys, opened the [government] farm in 1837 . . .
“The Pottawattamie (who far outnumbered the Ottawa and Chippewa) had agreed in Washington , D.C. treaty negotiations just weeks before the LDS arrived, to give up southwest Iowa and remove to northeast Kansas in 1847. The steamboat landing likely remained and was used by more than 8000 European LDS coming from western Europe and the British Isles . Contract ships took them to New Orleans . Then they were transported up the Mississippi and Missouri to southwest Iowa by steamboats to Emigrant Landing.
“Here they landed to find a warehouse for their goods and to make arrangements to buy wagons, oxen and other supplies for the trek to the Great Salt Lake Valley . Or, they were parceled out to more than 80 communities in southwest Iowa where they might work for one or two years to earn and gather the equipment and supplies they needed to move on west.
“A rope walk near Emigrant Landing, established by Reuben Allred, is where the great ropes were manufactured for the Middle Mormon Ferry. Substantial farming also was done around Council Point, but large supplies of grain were brought to Emigrant Landing by travelers from St. Louis . Some of them didn't know, in the late 1840's and early 1850's, they would find large supplies of grain and flour produced by LDS communities. Further south, where Mosquito Creek ran into the Missouri River, east across the Missouri from Bellevue , was Jonathan Browning's gunsmithing shop. There probably were many other business ventures in and around Emigrant Landing and Council Point of which, over the years, we have lost trace.
“We do know, however, that when Abraham Lincoln visited Council Bluffs in 1859 he was able to hire a buggy to take him four miles north, past tall corn fields and patches of sunflowers, from what the LDS had called Emigrant Landing to Council Bluffs , which in 1853 had replaced the name Kanesville. Today, if you want non-LDS to know what you are talking about, you need to refer to Emigrant Landing as Lincoln 's Landing.” (26)
The following is a direct quote from a facsimile of an advertisement in The Frontier Guardian , the newspaper published at Kanesville during the Saints' stay in the Middle Missouri Valley:
Reuben H. Allred, has erected an extensive Rope-walk at Council Point, directly on the river, near the emigrant landing ; and is prepared to supply merchants, citizens, and emigrants with all kinds of rope and cordage, from a fish line to a cable. Rope of various kinds constantly on hand, and manufactured to order. He solicits the patronage of a generous and liberal public.
The rope walk later changed hands twice, to be owned by John F. L. Allred and later by Orrin D. Farlin. (27)
“ Council Point -A place shown on maps from 1855-1868 near the shore of Lake Manawa some three miles south of the business section of Council Bluffs.” (28)
James Needham opened a “dry goods and groceries” store in Council Point around the end of July, 1849. (29)
Charles Bird, a resident of the Council Point area, put up “for sale his improvement, situated at the landing at Council Point, said farm [having] been under cultivation for about fourteen years, containing eighty acres of well improved land, has about thirty-five acres of wheat growing, most of it was sown in August, also four dwelling houses; one good barn, corn cribs, root house, &c., and all out houses that is calculated to make a farmer comfortable. Any person wishing to purchase, so as to double his money cannot do better than call; for the price will be so that I think the grain on the ground will refund the money advanced and have the farm clear. Call and see for yourselves.
“Council Point, Jan. 9, 1850.” (30)
A group of teamsters who contracted to haul freight for a local merchant met at Council Point on Tuesday, 6 May 1851 to organize and start their journey west. (31) They probably met at Council Point because of the ferry there.
William Watts posted a very sad notice in The Frontier Guardian issue of 6 February 1852. He advised “all whom it may concern, not to harbor or trust; on my account, my wife, ELIZABETH WATTS, who has left my bed and board, without any just cause or provocation, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date.” (32)
Council Point served also as a disembarking site for gold rushers traveling up the Missouri river by boat. (33)
Cholera broke out five miles from Council Point in May 1849. “[Four people] died very suddenly. There are two or three cases more reported up to Saturday last.
“Every person should keep free from fear if possible, as this is a powerful auxiliary to help on the disease. Be temperate in your labor, moderate in exercise, calm in your feelings, and guard against exposure. If you are troubled with diarrhea, check it as soon as you can, for this is almost invariable precedes the more powerful attack.” (34)
As many pioneers needed things made of iron, including “irons for yokes . . ., chains, and various other repairs,. . . Dr. George Coulson, of Council Point” showed wisdom, whether he knew it or not, in opening his blacksmith shop in Council Point, where so many pioneers went in order to cross the river and start on their journey west. (35)
Council Point was the endpoint for an 1850 mail route that began in Eddyville and stopped at “Half-way Prairie, Clark 's Point, Wynaldville, Charlton Point, Pisga, Nichnabotna, Silver Creek and Kanesville” along the way. (36)
“Main part of Council Point would have been just north of the present tiny segment of Gifford Road linking 24 th and 20 th Streets.” (37)
“South of Council Bluffs at Gifford Rd , just off South 24 th St, west of Lake Manawa. . . . The road connecting Council Point (then about an eighth of a mile north of the Missouri River) to Kanesville ran NNE, lined with houses referred to as String Town . The road is linked to today's W Graham Ave , over bluffs to E Graham Ave and north on now S 1 st Street (then Hyde St ) to Kanesville business district.” (38)
“Middle Mormon Ferry Site:
“Half mile south of E end of South Omaha Bridge (Hwy 92); first of three LDS ferries over the Missouri River . Project started June 15, ferry with properly caulked boat started officially July 1, 1846. Boat tested at night only by general authorities of the Church June 29. It was to haul powder, shot, and guns out of Iowa and into Nebraska territory, then designated by Congress as ‘Indian Country.'” (39)
“‘At Council Point, west of Manawa, a settlement of Mormons started a cemetery in 1848. A large number of them were buried there while the Mormons occupied this section of the county. After the cemetery wa[s] abandoned it was in after years washed into the river, and the exact location of it could hardly be determined at this date.
“‘In 1850 another burying ground was established by George Schofield on a farm owned by him about three miles northeast of Council Bluffs. Several of his family and relatives were first buried there, after which it became a public cemetery. It is still in existence an[d] is occasionally used now. William Garner, a veteran of the Meican war and one of the three men who built the Ogden hotel, in 1870 started a cemetery adjoining the one on the Sch[o]field farm. [G]arner and many of his relatives are buried there. There is a fine monument which marks the Garner grave.
“‘In 1852 D. V. Clark [e]stablished a cemetery on the Lincoln Avenue road about a mile and a half south of the city limits. Several members of his family are buried there and the place is now in good condition. It is occasionally used now.” (40)
The following died and were probably buried in Council Point:
“Allred, John F. I., 17 July 1850 at Council Point, of cholera, 23 years old. (Frontier Guardian, 7 August 1850)
“Clouson, George, Dr., 8 October 1851, at Council Point, of congestive fever, 50 years and 18 days (Frontier Guardian, 17 October 1851)
“Farlin, Orliva, daughter of Orrin D. and Falvilla Farlin, 8 January 1852, at Council Point, 19 Months old (Frontier Guardian, 20 February 1852).
“Matthews, George W., infant son of James and Mary Matthews, 24 July 1851, at Council Point, 3 months and 18 days (Frontier Guardian 8 August 1851.
“Muir, James, 15 July 1850, at Council Point, 21 years and 4 months (Frontier Guardian, 24 July 1850).
“Raymond, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel G. Raymond, 2 November 1850, at Council Point, 40 years, 6 months, and 10 days (Frontier Guardian, 25 December 1850).
“Smith, Jane, late from England , 31 December 1850, at Council Point, of acute bronchitis, 21 years old (Frontier Guardian, 8 January 1851).” (41)
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Enoch Perham Rollins at Winter Quarters
To Gaylene Johnson
From: Shauna Anderson (
Sent: Mon 9/01/08 7:58 AM
To: Gaylene Johnson (
Thanks so much for this information.
We are focusing on the communities and trying to find histories of such. We surely appreciate your time and effort and please continue to monitor and correct any information that you see on our site.
Shauna C. Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean, Life Sciences Student Services Center
Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director
379/380 WIDB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
FAX: 801-422-0048
From: Gaylene Johnson []
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:00 PM
To: Shauna Anderson
Subject: Enoch Perham Rollins & Sophia Wing Philbrook Rollins
Hi Shauna & Winter Quarters Team,
What a great project you have going here. I've wondered for years where I could gather more info about this time period. Even knowing what ward he was in is helpful. Do you have ward info available other than just listing it?
I'm a gg-granddaughter of Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters (he married her as a polygamist wife in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1859). I'm researching his life and have a couple of things you might be interested in. I'm attaching them for you to look at to help in your gathering of info. I'm hoping to gain much more about him. Evidently Enoch played quite a role in helping get the saints west by staying behind until 1852.
The Sons of Utah Pioneers info is copyrighted (which I got off the web), but the book costs $180. There are mistakes (such as the marriage) in these histories, but they give great info. I only hope to find more and see more on your site.
Gaylene Johnson
(801) 566-4448
Sandy, Utah
From: Shauna Anderson (
Sent: Mon 9/01/08 7:58 AM
To: Gaylene Johnson (
Thanks so much for this information.
We are focusing on the communities and trying to find histories of such. We surely appreciate your time and effort and please continue to monitor and correct any information that you see on our site.
Shauna C. Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean, Life Sciences Student Services Center
Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director
379/380 WIDB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
FAX: 801-422-0048
From: Gaylene Johnson []
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:00 PM
To: Shauna Anderson
Subject: Enoch Perham Rollins & Sophia Wing Philbrook Rollins
Hi Shauna & Winter Quarters Team,
What a great project you have going here. I've wondered for years where I could gather more info about this time period. Even knowing what ward he was in is helpful. Do you have ward info available other than just listing it?
I'm a gg-granddaughter of Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters (he married her as a polygamist wife in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1859). I'm researching his life and have a couple of things you might be interested in. I'm attaching them for you to look at to help in your gathering of info. I'm hoping to gain much more about him. Evidently Enoch played quite a role in helping get the saints west by staying behind until 1852.
The Sons of Utah Pioneers info is copyrighted (which I got off the web), but the book costs $180. There are mistakes (such as the marriage) in these histories, but they give great info. I only hope to find more and see more on your site.
Gaylene Johnson
(801) 566-4448
Sandy, Utah
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Enoch Perham Rollins & Sophia Wing Philbrook Family
Gen On The Hoof -- Owner Lauri Massey
Individuals 17183 -- Families 6898 -- Sources 96
Gen On The Hoof -- Owner Lauri Massey
Individuals 17183 -- Families 6898 -- Sources 96
Husband | Male
Enoch Perham Rollins
Birth 13 Jan 1805 Jefferson, Lincoln, Maine, USA
Died 9 Nov 1877 Annabella, Sevier, Utah, USA
Buried 12 Nov 1877 Glenwood, Sevier, Utah, USA
Married 29 Apr 1829
Other Spouse Mary Jensen | F2917
Married 20 Jan 1855
Other Spouse Sarah Jane Walters | F2918
Father Ichabod Rollins | F2919
Mother Mary Perham | F2919
Wife | Female
Sophia Wing Philbrook
Birth 12 Dec 1805 Hampton, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Died 11 Mar 1872 Payson, Utah, Utah, USA
Buried Mar 1872 Payson, Utah, Utah, USA
Other Spouse Abial Lambert | F2920
Married 20 Nov 1823 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Father John Philbrook | F2921
Mother Nancy Philbrook | F2921
Child 1 | Female
Mary Jane Rollins
Birth 25 Dec 1829 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Died 1880
Spouse Frank Williamson | F2922
Married 13 Mar 1849
Child 2 | Female
Ann Sophia Rollins
Birth 5 Mar 1831 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Died 13 May 1885 Annabella, Sevier, Utah, USA
Buried 17 May 1885 Annabella, Sevier, Utah, USA
Spouse Sidney Marcus Beckstead | F1383
Married 11 Jun 1850 Council Bluffs, Bellevue, Nebraska, USA
Spouse Edward Killick Roberts | F1424
Married 19 Apr 1869 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Child 3 | Female
Sabra Sherburne Rollins
Birth 8 Nov 1833 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Died 3 Dec 1869 Placerville, El Dorado, California, USA
Spouse Gilbert Smith | F2923
Married Apr 1850 Council Bluffs, Bellevue, Nebraska, USA
Spouse John Albert Douglas | F2924
Married 1 Nov 1858
Child 4 | Female
Abby Amanda Rollins
Birth 10 Jul 1835 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Died 30 Jun 1837 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Buried Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Child 5 | Male
John Park Rollins
Birth 1 Sep 1836 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Died 2 Jul 1837 Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Buried Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Child 6 | Female
Loretta Delenoy Rollins
Birth 10 Aug 1838 ,Westchester, New York, USA
Spouse Charles Symonds | F2925
Child 7 | Female
Martha Philbrook Rollins
Birth 30 Apr 1840 Pleasantville, Westchester, New York, USA
Died 1845
Child 8 | Male
Orson Hyde Rollins
Birth 27 Feb 1842 East Chester, Westchester, New York, USA
Died 4 Apr 1910 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Buried 6 Apr 1910 Sandy, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Spouse Ingra Fidelia Bengtsson | F2926
Married 5 May 1866 Salt Lake City, , Utah, USA
Child 9 | Male
Franklin Wheeler Rollins
Birth 31 Mar 1844 Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
Died 20 Aug 1846
Child 10 | Male
Charles Drown Rollins
Birth 11 Mar 1846 Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Died 22 Dec 1923 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Buried 26 Dec 1923
Spouse Nancy Elvina Norton | F2927
Married 16 Dec 1865 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Home Search Login
Home Search Individual Pedigree Descendancy Relationship Timeline Login
Birth 13 Jan 1805 Jefferson, Lincoln, Maine, USA
Sex Male
Died 9 Nov 1877 Annabella, Sevier, Utah, USA
Buried 12 Nov 1877 Glenwood, Sevier, Utah, USA
Person ID I4751 Default Tree
Last Modified 16 Mar 2007
Father Ichabod Rollins, b. 4 Dec 1773, Jefferson, Lincoln, Maine, USA
Mother Mary Perham, b. 25 Apr 1777, Jefferson, Lincoln, Maine, USA
Group Sheet F2919 Default Tree
Family 1 Sophia Wing Philbrook, b. 12 Dec 1805, Hampton, Penobscot, Maine, USA
Married 29 Apr 1829
1. Mary Jane Rollins, b. 25 Dec 1829, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
2. Ann Sophia Rollins, b. 5 Mar 1831, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
3. Sabra Sherburne Rollins, b. 8 Nov 1833, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
4. Abby Amanda Rollins, b. 10 Jul 1835, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
5. John Park Rollins, b. 1 Sep 1836, Bangor, Penobscot, Maine, USA
6. Loretta Delenoy Rollins, b. 10 Aug 1838, ,Westchester, New York, USA
7. Martha Philbrook Rollins, b. 30 Apr 1840, Pleasantville, Westchester, New York, USA
8. Orson Hyde Rollins, b. 27 Feb 1842, East Chester, Westchester, New York, USA
9. Franklin Wheeler Rollins, b. 31 Mar 1844, Akron, Summit, Ohio, USA
10. Charles Drown Rollins, b. 11 Mar 1846, Nauvoo, Hancock, Illinois, USA
Group Sheet F1441 Default Tree
Family 2 Mary Jensen
Married 20 Jan 1855
Group Sheet F2917 Default Tree
Family 3 Sarah Jane Walters
Group Sheet F2918 Default Tree
Rollins, Enoch, 1850, NA, NA, 1850 Iowa Census Pottawattamie Co District 21 p.96 US/CAN Microfilm 442963
History of Avon
In March 1860, Joseph G. Crapo, Alvin M. Montierth, William Smith, and Barnard White who were residing at that time in Draper, Utah, decided to visit Cache Valley in hopes of finding a location for settlement. They had heard about the lush, green valley with plenty of water and timber. They joined a wagon train that was going north and traveled with them until they reached Ogden’s Hole. They then followed an old Indian trail north into Cache Valley. Barnard White drove the first wagon and team of mules onto Old Paradise (Avon) on April 1, 1860, in the south end of Cache Valley. The area chosen was located at the forks of East Creek and Little Bear River.
The cove where Avon is now located was very beautiful with plenty of game, water, and timber to support a community. They resolved to make this their new home, and the first thing they did was build a small log cabin that belonged to Barnard White. With the building of this cabin they established residency. At that time the area was part of Box Elder County, and they went to Brigham City and filed on the water in all of the nearby canyons for stock watering purposes.
On January 17, 1862, the Territorial Legislature passed a bill changing the Cache County boundaries to those of today. Finally, Paradise was a part of Cache County. But the Cache County Court did not pay much attention to Paradise - any more attention than Box Elder County. On August 11, 1862, precinct officers were elected as follows: Jerome Remington, Magistrate; Winslow Farr, Jr., Constable; James Bishop, Pound Keeper; Joseph G. Crapo and Enoch P. Rollins, Fence Viewers. It was not until February 9, 1863, that Paradise was made an election precinct.
During 1861, meetings were generally held in the large and commodious house erected by Alvin M. Montierth. In the fall of 1861, the first Meeting/School House, a small log building, was erected.
The cove where Avon is now located was very beautiful with plenty of game, water, and timber to support a community. They resolved to make this their new home, and the first thing they did was build a small log cabin that belonged to Barnard White. With the building of this cabin they established residency. At that time the area was part of Box Elder County, and they went to Brigham City and filed on the water in all of the nearby canyons for stock watering purposes.
On January 17, 1862, the Territorial Legislature passed a bill changing the Cache County boundaries to those of today. Finally, Paradise was a part of Cache County. But the Cache County Court did not pay much attention to Paradise - any more attention than Box Elder County. On August 11, 1862, precinct officers were elected as follows: Jerome Remington, Magistrate; Winslow Farr, Jr., Constable; James Bishop, Pound Keeper; Joseph G. Crapo and Enoch P. Rollins, Fence Viewers. It was not until February 9, 1863, that Paradise was made an election precinct.
During 1861, meetings were generally held in the large and commodious house erected by Alvin M. Montierth. In the fall of 1861, the first Meeting/School House, a small log building, was erected.
Enoch Perham Rollins Life Events
Ann S. Elmer Wilson history on Enoch Param Rollins, DUP
1. Wheelwright and carpenter.
2. Worked in shipyard of Bangor & became expert timberman.
3. Sophia invited missionaries--Enoch burned B of M & other literature.
4. Were baptized in East Pelham, West Chester, New York on Feb. 8, 1841.
5. Left New York state for Akron, Ohio in August 1843
6. Arrived in Nauvoo six weeks after J. Smith's death.
7. Ordained to 8th Quorum of Seventies.
8. Enoch wanted Mary Jane to be plural wife--she refused and left home.
9. Lived on banks of Mississippi.
10. Arrived in Council Bluffs summer of 1848.
11. May 1852 came west with Eli B. Kelsey under Captain John C. Butler.
12. Built bridge across Green River.
13. Entered Salt Lake Valley in November 1852.
14. Worked on the temple block, Beehive House, and made wagons
15. In 1856 settled Farmington
16. Enoch hired by govt. to assist in construction of buildings
17. Went to Cache County and engaged in farming and stock raising.
18. Married Sarah Jane Walters
19. Died of consumption
1. Wheelwright and carpenter.
2. Worked in shipyard of Bangor & became expert timberman.
3. Sophia invited missionaries--Enoch burned B of M & other literature.
4. Were baptized in East Pelham, West Chester, New York on Feb. 8, 1841.
5. Left New York state for Akron, Ohio in August 1843
6. Arrived in Nauvoo six weeks after J. Smith's death.
7. Ordained to 8th Quorum of Seventies.
8. Enoch wanted Mary Jane to be plural wife--she refused and left home.
9. Lived on banks of Mississippi.
10. Arrived in Council Bluffs summer of 1848.
11. May 1852 came west with Eli B. Kelsey under Captain John C. Butler.
12. Built bridge across Green River.
13. Entered Salt Lake Valley in November 1852.
14. Worked on the temple block, Beehive House, and made wagons
15. In 1856 settled Farmington
16. Enoch hired by govt. to assist in construction of buildings
17. Went to Cache County and engaged in farming and stock raising.
18. Married Sarah Jane Walters
19. Died of consumption
Enoch Rollins from John R. Rollins, 1874 Book
"Enoch, with his wife [Sophia (Philbrick) Lambert] and three daughters, started for the more promising fields of the West. On reaching New York they met with Joe Smith and were induced to renounce their early christian teaching, joined the Mormons, and went to Nauvoo. Their subsequent history is not known, except that Ann became one of the spiritual wives of Smith. The genealogy of this branch may, perhaps, be as well left to some one possessed of more patience than the ordinary Gentile."
John R. Rollins, 1874
John R. Rollins, 1874
Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters
Enoch Perham Rollins Obituary
Died at Annebella, Sevier County, Utah November 9th, 1877 of consumption, Enoch Perham Rollins in the 73rd year of his life.
Deceased was the son of Ichabod and Mary Perham Rollins, born January 15, 1805 at Jefferson, Lincoln County, Maine; was a professor of religion from early youth; emigrated with his family to New York in 1837; was baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints February 8, 1841, in Pelham, West Chester County, New York; started in 1843 for Nauvoo, Illinois and for lack of means stopped in Akron, Summit County, Ohio eleven months, and while there heard the sad news of the death of the Prophet Joseph; started again shortly after and landed in Nauvoo; in August 1844 he was ordained a member of the Eighth Quorum of Seventies; he spent a great deal of his time working on the Temple and other public works until the winter of 1845 and 1846, when he went into the wagon shop and assisted the brethren in making and repairing wagons for the benefit of those who intended to move west in the spring; attended to the ordinances in the temple that winter, and in the spring made himself a wagon, but having no team was compelled to stay there until driven out by the mob. He had been afflicted with ague for some time, but notwithstanding his weakness, with the aid of Brother Refus Allen he pried an old log canoe out of the sand that had been bedded down there all summer. With the assistance of Brother Allen, who was also afflicted with chills, and Brother Allen's wife and her sister, four families were moved across the Mississippi River that night by eleven o'clock. They commenced about four o'clock in the afternoon. They made several trips, the women rowing like men. Two of the mobocrats had tried to get the boat loose a day or two before but had to leave it. He had no trouble in getting it loose. He was compelled through circumstances to stay in that part of the country. He endured much sickness and privation until the spring of 1848, when he removed to Council Bluffs. In 1852 he emigrated to Salt Lake City. He was one of the last to leave the Bluffs that season, being counseled by Brother Benson to stay and fit up wagons for the journey as long as he possibly could. He arrived in Salt Lake City October 28th and went to work on the public works. He spent most of his time there until the spring of 1856, and since that time he has lived in various settlements. He has been ever ready to respond to every call made of him by those that were placed in authority over him in the priesthood. He never murmured or complained, and through his sickness which lasted eight months, his only desire was to live to go into the temple and finish up a little of the work that he had already commenced for this friends that had passed behind the veil, of which he had several hundreds of names. He was the father of fifteen children, had 39 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren. He died, as he had lived, a faithful Latter-day Saint, and in hopes of a glorious resurrection.
The Deseret News, Dec. 19, 1877, Pg. 11 /Page 731
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