Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters

Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters
Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Enoch Perham Rollins at Winter Quarters

To Gaylene Johnson
From: Shauna Anderson (shauna_anderson@byu.edu)
Sent: Mon 9/01/08 7:58 AM
To: Gaylene Johnson (gjretired@hotmail.com)


Thanks so much for this information.

We are focusing on the communities and trying to find histories of such. We surely appreciate your time and effort and please continue to monitor and correct any information that you see on our site.


Shauna C. Anderson, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean, Life Sciences Student Services Center
Clinical Laboratory Science Program Director
379/380 WIDB
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
FAX: 801-422-0048

Email: Shauna_Anderson@byu.edu
From: Gaylene Johnson [mailto:gjretired@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2008 9:00 PM
To: Shauna Anderson
Subject: Enoch Perham Rollins & Sophia Wing Philbrook Rollins

Hi Shauna & Winter Quarters Team,

What a great project you have going here. I've wondered for years where I could gather more info about this time period. Even knowing what ward he was in is helpful. Do you have ward info available other than just listing it?

I'm a gg-granddaughter of Enoch Perham Rollins & Sarah Jane Walters (he married her as a polygamist wife in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1859). I'm researching his life and have a couple of things you might be interested in. I'm attaching them for you to look at to help in your gathering of info. I'm hoping to gain much more about him. Evidently Enoch played quite a role in helping get the saints west by staying behind until 1852.

The Sons of Utah Pioneers info is copyrighted (which I got off the web), but the book costs $180. There are mistakes (such as the marriage) in these histories, but they give great info. I only hope to find more and see more on your site.

Gaylene Johnson
(801) 566-4448
Sandy, Utah

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